Laser Hair Removal
Experts consider that the best hair removal system as on today is laser hair removal procedure. The first time lasers were used in dermatology in the mid 1960s. Some dermatologists noticed that while using laser treatment for tattoos and vascular lesions, there was hair loss in the adjacent tissue. This prompted dermatologists to carry out more research and experiments on laser hair removal devices. The initial laser hair removal devices targeted the individual follicles through a thin fiber optic probe. The present day laser hair removal devices use penlight type probe
FDA approved the laser hair removal device. Since 1995 the removal of unwanted hair with lasers has rapidly gained popularity. However this type of treatment is not suitable to all and it is important that a person who undergoes laser hair removal treatment should be aware of the procedure involved.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment Requirements: Laser hair removal is not suited for all persons. The following are the requirements:
1) The surrounding skin should be lighter than the hair.
2) Not suitable for people with dark skin, since dark skin absorbs more laser energy and is liable to be burnt.
3) Light hair is not suitable for laser hair removal treatment.
Cost: As a thumb rule, the larger the area undergoing laser hair removal the more will be the cost. Therefore it costs less to remove hair from the upper lip than from the leg or back. The cost also depends on the number of sessions. Typically around 4 sessions are required. However if you have darker skin, the number of sessions required will be more and people with darker skin will have to undergo treatment under an expert laser specialist. The usual cost for one session in the US is around $ 450.
Results: Results vary from person to person depending upon the type of skin. Laser hair removal is a long term hair removal system and not a permanent hair removal system. Most people get satisfactory results however a minority are not satisfied with the results.
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